Fortunately I - unlike Mahogany and Jason X and Wicked and all of my other friends in my previous school - am almost done with exams. Tomorrow is the dreaded chemistry and then Tuesday, I am finito! Weirdly enough, Jason X is also writing Chemistry tomorrow, so this is where the story starts:
Okay, people have been teasing me with some other guy in another school, and Jason X and Psycho Arrow the whole week, so I've had a denial-filled existence so far, you could say. And then on Friday after school, my Nee-Chan, Lady Ayaka left me alone with Psycho Arrow and yeah.... People would not leave us alone. Aaand my parents saw him hug me when I left school and they too went on about it the whole evening. On Friday as well, Wicked phoned and asked if he could study Chemistry with me even though I dislike studying with other people because I can't focus. And, truth be told, my school has not even done the same work yet, so ya. That was my excuse.
Then, on Saturday night, Psycho and I spoke until midnight, which was when I wished him HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY to him and his girlfriend. That same night, his "best friend" (let's call him Silver Eyes from now on) asked if he could study Chemistry with me today (Sunday). I don't know, that just crushed me. Like, I know I have brains, but sometimes I feel like that's all I'm good for. Like that's all people ever want from me. Use me just to help them pass life... But, of course, I said no because I was supposed to go out today anyway.
Then, just as I thought I was home free, I woke up this morning and had a lazy day. I had just washed my hair and finally got down to Physics, when Jason X phoned and asked my mother if he and his brother could study at my house because he had visitors at his house. So, my parents actually left me alone with Jason X for once. I kinda had fun time in a study-way. And they left this evening. Oh, and when he wasn't studying, we spoke alot and he too started teasing me with Psycho Arrow. And last night Jason X told me that he had a crush on one of his best friends, who also happens to be Charlie Chick's friend! And she likes him too!!! Haha, so now people can stop teasing me with him. So yeah, I too was teasing him the whole day with her.
Later on today, Charlie Chick dropped by to give me a money-envelope for our transport driver, and lipgloss-lips, ass-faced Robert Pattinson is on TV as Twilight is playing, so here I am. Now you're updated. And now Psycho Arrow thinks that I have a crush on some guy in another school that I used to speak to (because Ayaka told him that on Friday and he was asking me about it).

Current Music: "My Moves Are White, (White Hot That Is)" by Cobra Starship. It's a hot, funny song. =) You should check it out.
Current Mood: I'm freezing my ass off here in the study! So, hmmm.... Arctic?