"I can't keep this inside, it's time to say goodbye. Somewhere in the distance, there's a place for me to go..." I had to use this song by Simple Plan to describe it. Nothing else could come to mind. SCHOOL IS OFFCIALLY OVER and I'll never see half these people again. Goodbye jocks, goodbye spoilt bitches, goodbye cranky teachers, goodbye PE laps around the track, goodbye drama practicals, goodbye to my English teacher, goodbye creative writing, goodbye Matric gardens, goodbye school uniforms, goodbye school concerts, goodbye performing on stage, goodbye school breaks, goodbye first day of school and lastly.. Goodbye to you, my cherished friends.
Hmm.... Wow, it has been a really long time since my last post. Can you believe the year is already almost over? I offcially wrote my last school exam (hooray!) on the 26th November, and since then I am unemployed and bored out of my mind. HOLIDAY FOR THE NEXT TWO MONTHS YEAH BAYBEE!!! I've resorted to cleaning the house (but of course the Witch Bitch messed it up again) and now I even have an account on Candystand.com. I played Word Twist and Blocked yesterday for three hours, that's how jaded I am.
Hmmm, last Sunday we had a barbeque by my house and I swam, my sister came home (for about an hour) for the first time in two years. This being the first time she was there when BOTH my parents were there and it wasn't my birthday. Then on Monday the gang came over and most of us swam - it was awesome. And to think, Jason X told me he couldn't swim, yet there he was, racing Wicked, Mahogany and I like his life depended on it. Plus his girlfriend is such a sweety. They make such a cute couple, although haha Charlie Chick said I looked uncomfortable.
Then on Tuesday, Jason X and I were supposed to go jogging together, then the bum texts me at like half-seven in the morning to tell me his body is sore from swimming and he can't make it. That was a relief coz I really didn't want to get out of bed that early anyways. Then afterwards I went to stay by my aunt, (the nagger) but I had fun swimming (again) and playing with all the small kids - don't laugh. The Wii dance mat is tiring! And now I'm home, to a house filled with insurance people and guys trying to fix up all the damages from a recent storm.
I've recently become addicted to the new Nickelodeon show, Victorious. Mainly because it's something I'm addicted to - the arts, movies, actors, performers. Plus, the rain ruined my whole day yesterday and I couldn't even watch anything on TV besdies Victorious - coincidentally, Fame the movie was included in this rain-ruin-spectacular. Twas a boring movie anyway. Ooh and I love the MTV show MY LIFE AS LIZ. I just watched the second last episode today, where Liz Lee had to say goodbye to her friends, it being her last day before she left for college in New York and she left the almost love of her teenage life. Although reality TV is full of crap, it still keeps to the theme of what's going on right now. Every movie I watch seems to have a graduation theme, from I LOVE YOU BETH COOPER to HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR YEAR to ORANGE COUNTY, to even FAME. I borrowed three books from the library and two of them had a graduation scene - the third being the exception since it was Lord Of The Rings, but even Frodo had to leave The Shire.
Ooh, yes, the talent I have that I forgot to tell you in the last blog is nothing grand. Just, you can give me any word, name, phrase or sentence (As long as I know how to spell it) and I can tell you how many letters there are in it within ten seconds. I googled it and almost everybody who had counting OCD like me could do the exact same thing, so it's not a great talent or anything. I mean, I won't end up on Oprah or anything so blah.
This Friday I'm leaving on holiday with the parentals and grandparentals (blah) to the beach, so try not to burgle me whle I'm away. And to Mr. Baggins, I'd just like to say YES I DID TAKE DOWN THOSE DISNEY POSTERS. PFFT! NOT LIKE I HAD ANY ON MY WALLS OR ANYTHING. PFFT! I AM 18 DUDE. PSSHHH.....
Oh, and I also got accepted for Chiropractry at a university about an hour-and-a-half from my home, that's about two-and-half-hours with morning and evening traffic. Which means if I go there (which is most likely, since I don't want to do Medicine that much anymore) I may have to stay at a residence (horrible) or get my own apartment with a total stranger. Yikes. I hope she doesn't snore hehe. And my Matric results are coming out on January 6, so cross your fingers I get atleast five A's, or I'm screwed. So much pressure...
And I'm planning to put purple streaks in my hair before university starts in February. How did I get permission to do this with my Hindu parents, you ask? Blackmail + Parentals = Self-satisfaction muhahahaha!!!
Current Mood: In high spirits (pun not intended you stoner)
Current Music: Offcially my favourite MCR song is "The Sharpest Lives" from their album WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE. "If I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes?" Haha love it! By the way, the new MCR album Danger Days sucks!!!!!!! Sorry Gerard Way, I love you... but nooo....
Current Quote: "The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of the action."
Please please please pray that I passed Maths Paper 3, and Physics, and that I got A's in everything else, especially Maths and Drama.
Love and Rockets (Like Liz Lee always says)
Punk_G0ddess (aka Candystand.com addict. Add me as Punk_Goddess on that site if ya want. I'll beat your ass in any word game coz of my OCD talent)
Muchas Gracias Amigos!
Have a great vacation you guys, try not to burn your school down. (By accident is acceptable).
It's time to say goodbye...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Time To Say Goodbye
Posted by Punk_Goddess at 7:07 AM 3 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Climb
"I can almost see it, that dream I am dreaming. But there's a voice inside my head saying 'You'll never reach it.' But I gotta keep trying. Gotta keep my head held high... There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be a uphill battle sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side... It's the climb." - The Climb by Miley Cyrus
As much as I dislike Chipmunk Cyrus, and the rest of her Hannah Montana croonies, you gotta admit that this song actually makes a lot of sense. Let's face it, the year is almost over and most of you probably haven't even looked twice at your last New Year's resolutions list. With that in mind, it's time to move on and simply appreciate what's left of the end of another decade. (Not that I've been through too many, mind you. I'm not that old...)
I have 41 days (according to the SMS Damelin sent me) before my schooling career (or prison sentence) is over. That's it. 41 days. And 4 days before finals start. 4 days before the pressure sinks in, and it's time to start building walls of steel and dedication. Yesterday was my school's D-day/4 day Celebration thing for the Matrics, where the girls dress as guys and vice versa, coupled with underage drinking and incognito making-out. And of course, yours truly wasn't allowed to go for the "event" if you can call it that, because, according to yours truly's dad, "I should be using the time to study and improve my dismal Physics and Maths marks." So while my friends were roaming the school dressed as confused transvestites, I was at home exploring the alluring complexity that is Linear Programming and Logarithms. Needless to say, I was slightly upset - especially when I saw the online photos taken yesterday at school. It looked like so much of fun...
Moving on to greener pastures, my Physics mark for preliminary exams was... SUCKISH. LOL I won't lie; my sister got a distinction in Physics but not Maths when she graduated. I am going to get a distinction in Maths, but let's face it - NOT IN SCIENCE. And the funny thing was, when the letter from one of the universities came in September that I was rejected from Medicine (even though when I applied, my marks were good) I was shockingly relieved. I wasn't even disappointed that I was rejected, I was... indifferent. If I could help it, I'd pack up my things and head to the enthralling place known as Hollywood, and become a Script Writer & Film Producer. I. Am. A. Movie. Fanatic. But let's face it - I can't help it and you're not a billionaire. I have know idea where I'm going to study next year, which university is going to accept me, and what life is going to bring. I'm the academic runner-up in my grade, and yet I'm dead scared of the unknown.
Do you know what it's like to have so much expected of you your whole life, but not get much credit after you've achieved it? I used to feel upset about this: When people who achieved one A after they graduated were promised a car by their parents, and yet there I was, balancing on a tight rope with 7 As to boast for, with nothing but a mere "Good job" and a pile of chores to count for. It used to faze me, but then Charlie Chick told me to start doing things for myself, and not to impress other people. Because one day, when I'm really successful, all those people are going to feel terrible for not supporting me when they had reason to.
But I'm still here - this life. An indefinite future. And an empty postbox craving the attention of an acceptance letter... It's as if I just reached a new revelation: Twelve years of being a top academic scholar, the fastest female athlete in Junior high and a hefty file full of certificates. And what do I have to show for it?
And that's the imminent problem with aiming too high...
Current Music: You guys have to check out Cash Cash's new elctronic/rock single, "Red Cup (I Fly Solo)" It's sooo amazing!!! Oh, and catchy, and all the other stuff.
Current Mood: Confused. Don't ask why. I'm confused as to why.
Current Quote: "I don't think of what might happen, only what must be done." - Lucius Hunt from The Village, when asked why he is always so fearless.
Ooh, I have a new, recently-discovered talent but maybe I'll tell you in a later note.
Until next time
MEEE (Sorry if you were waiting for someone else LOL)
Posted by Punk_Goddess at 5:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: Punk Goddess
Monday, July 26, 2010
"Step back gonna come at ya fast, I'm driving out of control and getting ready to crash. Won't stop shaking up what I can, I serve it up in a shot so suck it down like a man..." Kind of a disappointing song, even for Christina Aguilera, but the title fits.
Let's see, I promised you updates of the past two weeks, and here they are:
Life seems to keep getting better. Not in an outrageously good way, but it's the tiny things that matter, right? Save for the part where my blog account got lost and they had no trace of me so just logging in to make a new blog post took forever. But other than that, I'm good.
So, on July 16 was my birthday and it was a freezing school day. However, I have the best of friends and the most wonderful registration class, so everybody made it one of the best days of the year! Thanks guys!!! (^_^) Lots of prezzie - coupled with lots of singing, hugging and laughing made the weekend to follow a good one.
On the 23rd was the beyotch's birthday and my dad and I were running around crazy organising everything and preparing for the family to come over. That was also a nice day with yours truly entertaining everybody in her usual crazy way.
Oh, but just the part that's starting to worry me is that since my sister left, father dearest seems to be drinking more and more everyday and spending more and more money with each paycheck. Like, he already took us (mother and me) to Thailand - my first time overseas - for our birthdays. They got me a cellphone voucher (which I still have to happily redeem) PLUS a new perfume. Now, my dad got her very very very very very expensive (Like, you could pay the rent on your apartment for the next 3 months expensive) ruby earrings. Rubies, being the July birthstone. AND he topped that with a dishwasher. A dishwasher!!! And all she got him for his 50th in April was a genuine leather jacket. Am I like the only kid in the world concerned with finances in this recession, or is that whole concept just lost on my seemeingly mindless parentals???
In other news, Psycho Arrow's birthday tomorrow should make the headlines, so we'll see how that goes. I still have to get him a present.
Lady Ayaka thinks she should start speaking to her ex again (after three months of the silent treatment on both parts) and shockingly, he too has started to speak to me again. Unfortunately, he still acts like an ass to me everytime he opens his mouth and that invisible sock I threw flies in. Oh well, I have +/- four months of school left, so I'll just have to grin and bear him, I mean his ego, urgh! I mean being in school for a while... yeah, that's what I mean. (Rolls eyes)
My report was good, in my opinion, but of course my genius Physics dad wanted to hear nothing of the 83% average I attempted. Oh well, you can't impress them all. And now the folks are telling me that I should consider giving up my dream of becoming a doctor (due to my apparently horrible marks) and apply to be a chiropractor. A freaking chiropractor!!! When I was small, I used to think that chiros are failed medical students wiht no brains. I've since changed my opinions of course, seeing that they make a lot of money. But the whole concept of surgery is just so appealing to me than curing someone's backache on a lab table with my bare hands. And my parents only suggested being a chiropractor because I'm the best, and only masseur in the family.
Life is good coz I found that cute gold ribbon wire (that's smaller than 2cm) that I lost on my birthday (and have been desperately looking for) because Charlie Chick took it from me when I was opening the birthday gift box it was attached to. Miraculously, I opened the dog food cupboard and newspapers from 2008 until 2010 came flooding out. It was like an ocean of black-and-white came spewing from the depths of the Atlantic Times. It was when I packing away the newspapers (and my poor starving dog was waiting for his food) that I found the ribbon. A packing job that took me half an hour was worth finding something so tiny. Only showing that no matter how crappy things get, it'll always work out in the end. If things don't work out, it's not the end honey...
Current Mood: Expecting nothing and implying nothing like Benjamin from Aniaml Farm. Hoping it keeps getting better yet knowing that all good things must come to an end.
Current Music: Nothing, in a big rush as usual.
Current Quote: "Everyone has a photographic memory. Some people just don't have film..."
Forty days (until grade 12 trial exams) started on Friday amidst the egg-throwing and condomising efforts of the Matric group. Nice effort guys, but you need to up the game. Make it more exciting, even stickier than last year and less obvious that you're throwing the goods by NOT standing in a large group of twenty to thirty boys. DUH!!! If you're going to do something legendary, PLEASE do it legendarily...
I have to go run and have supper/food pisoning/most proabably curry since I'm fasting today (yuck).
Bye Bye Muchachos
Now Muchachos make some real good food......... ;)
Posted by Punk_Goddess at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Keeps Gettin' Better
"Step back gonna come at ya fast, I'm driving out of control and getting ready to crash. Won't stop shaking up what I can, I serve it up in a shot so suck it down like a man..." Kind of a disappointing song, even for Christina Aguilera, but the title fits.
Let's see, I promised you updates of the past two weeks, and here they are:
Life seems to keep getting better. Not in an outrageously good way, but it's the tiny things that matter, right? Save for the part where my blog account got lost and they had no trace of me so just logging in to make a new blog post took forever. But other than that, I'm good.
So, on July 16 was my birthday and it was a freezing school day. However, I have the best of friends and the most wonderful registration class, so everybody made it one of the best days of the year! Thanks guys!!! (^_^) Lots of prezzie - coupled with lots of singing, hugging and laughing made the weekend to follow a good one.
On the 23rd was the beyotch's birthday and my dad and I were running around crazy organising everything and preparing for the family to come over. That was also a nice day with yours truly entertaining everybody in her usual crazy way.
Oh, but just the part that's starting to worry me is that since my sister left, father dearest seems to be drinking more and more everyday and spending more and more money with each paycheck. Like, he already took us (mother and me) to Thailand - my first time overseas - for our birthdays. They got me a cellphone voucher (which I still have to happily redeem) PLUS a new perfume. Now, my dad got her very very very very very expensive (Like, you could pay the rent on your apartment for the next 3 months expensive) ruby earrings. Rubies, being the July birthstone. AND he topped that with a dishwasher. A dishwasher!!! And all she got him for his 50th in April was a genuine leather jacket. Am I like the only kid in the world concerned with finances in this recession, or is that whole concept just lost on my seemeingly mindless parentals???
In other news, Psycho Arrow's birthday tomorrow should make the headlines, so we'll see how that goes. I still have to get him a present.
Lady Ayaka thinks she should start speaking to her ex again (after three months of the silent treatment on both parts) and shockingly, he too has started to speak to me again. Unfortunately, he still acts like an ass to me everytime he opens his mouth and that invisible sock I threw flies in. Oh well, I have +/- four months of school left, so I'll just have to grin and bear him, I mean his ego, urgh! I mean being in school for a while... yeah, that's what I mean. (Rolls eyes)
My report was good, in my opinion, but of course my genius Physics dad wanted to hear nothing of the 83% average I attempted. Oh well, you can't impress them all. And now the folks are telling me that I should consider giving up my dream of becoming a doctor (due to my apparently horrible marks) and apply to be a chiropractor. A freaking chiropractor!!! When I was small, I used to think that chiros are failed medical students wiht no brains. I've since changed my opinions of course, seeing that they make a lot of money. But the whole concept of surgery is just so appealing to me than curing someone's backache on a lab table with my bare hands. And my parents only suggested being a chiropractor because I'm the best, and only masseur in the family.
Life is good coz I found that cute gold ribbon wire (that's smaller than 2cm) that I lost on my birthday (and have been desperately looking for) because Charlie Chick took it from me when I was opening the birthday gift box it was attached to. Miraculously, I opened the dog food cupboard and newspapers from 2008 until 2010 came flooding out. It was like an ocean of black-and-white came spewing from the depths of the Atlantic Times. It was when I packing away the newspapers (and my poor starving dog was waiting for his food) that I found the ribbon. A packing job that took me half an hour was worth finding something so tiny. Only showing that no matter how crappy things get, it'll always work out in the end. If things don't work out, it's not the end honey...
Current Mood: Expecting nothing and implying nothing like Benjamin from Aniaml Farm. Hoping it keeps getting better yet knowing that all good things must come to an end.
Current Music: Nothing, in a big rush as usual.
Current Quote: "Everyone has a photographic memory. Some people just don't have film..."
Forty days (until grade 12 trial exams) started on Friday amidst the egg-throwing and condomising efforts of the Matric group. Nice effort guys, but you need to up the game. Make it more exciting, even stickier than last year and less obvious that you're throwing the goods by NOT standing in a large group of twenty to thirty boys. DUH!!! If you're going to do something legendary, PLEASE do it legendarily...
I have to go run and have supper/food pisoning/most proabably curry since I'm fasting today (yuck).
Bye Bye Muchachos
Now Muchachos make some real good food......... ;)
Posted by Punk_Goddess at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Way The World Works
"There's so much in life that's undecided, there's so much trouble that's uninvited.
And only so much you can control."
Okay, the above title is a slow track from Pixie Lott and just basically sums up the universe, love and life in one song. Oh yeah, and me being a true blue klutz.
Let's start from the beginning:
This past June/July holiday was the long-awaited Soccer World Cup, but yours truly was stuck in Winter school for one cold week with a bunch of other sespods. And then, for another week I was loafing around and staying at random family members.
Oh, and here's the best (or slightly worst) part: My parents dragged me overseas with them for the first time. And guess where our crazy plane was headed? Thailand. And against my will nonetheless. This is an actual conversation of what I said to my dad:
Prison Guard (Dad): Mummy and I are taking you to Thailand for your 18th birthday and her 50th birthday.
Me: Um... if it's just the three of us then I don't want to go.
PG: Why? It will be a nice experience, seeing another country different from ours...
Me: No, it's just... because I'll be on my own and it'll be boring.
PG: But there's so much to do, like swimming at the beach and shopping.
Me: Dad, urgh! You know I hate shopping!
PG: Did you know that THE BEACH, starring Leonardo DiCaprio was shot in Phuket?
The usual arguing and screaming at each other that me and my parents do continued normally for a week.
Me: Fine! if you're going to keep speaking to me like that, then I'm not going with you to Thailand! It's my birthday present and you can't force me to go with you against my will!
PG: I don't care what you want! You're coming to Thailand with us whether you like it or not!
After that, I had to tell Charlie Chick that once again I will be missing her birthday, and that was very hard for me to do because it seems like I always let her down in thee circumstances.
28 June, 2010 - Day before her birthday. Got on plane. Ate all the food. Saw a hot punk-rocker. Witnessed heaven on earth, ageless sunsets and mystifying clouds as the plane ascended from South Africa.
When I got off the plane in the Bangkok airport, we got on a bus and headed straight to the hotel - what a long drive! I was told to have a shower, after not having slept for 24 hours straight and suffering from asthma in the high humidity of Bangkok. Oh, and I never ate for 16 hours after that because all my parentals wanted to do was visit temples. Anyone that knows me, knows that temples are like dark times for me. We got back to the hotel the next morning, after having walked around Bangkok and sightseeing the entire day. It was about 2am when I got into bed and at 5am I had to get up. I didn't sleep at all due to Jet Lag and Time differnces.
The next day, at about 7am we were off again. I hadn't slept for 48 hours (the longest I have ever been without sleep) and once again I had to beg my dad by lunch time to buy me food. This holiday was not off to a good, or even okay start.
The next day I was on a plane off to Phuket and I tried to sleep for the one hour flight on the plane but nothing kicked in. We arrived in Phuket amidst rainstorms and traffic, and when we arrived at the hotel, there were geckos and lizards all over the walls. Yeah, you guessed it. I'm not afraid of spiders or snakes or even flying on a plane. Heck, I rode an elephant by myself. I am freaking scared of lizards. And they were everywhere!!! This was going from bad to worse.
The positive higlights of my holiday:
- Thai is a beautiful language and the culture is even more exquisite.
- The humidity actually curled my hair nicely.
- Thai people are extremely friendly, calm, patient and pure of heart. They are so proud to share thier country with you, and everybody is so helpful!
- The food is fantastic! And they have transport and communication systems so advanced it would make I ROBOT weep. I mean, they have lorries that speak, narrators in the trains, on-call policemen and a uniform work ethic. If the whole move-to-America thing doesn't work out, then I'm definitely moving to Phuket!
- I did go to Phi Phi Island - where the movie, THE BEACH was shot. On the same day I rode an elephant, tasted awesome ice-cream, went quad-biking, swam in crystal clear water, saw dolphins in the ocean, went rocky white river rafting, also went snorkeling on two different locations, swam with sea urchins and anemone, and visited the cashew factory!
- The next day I sat in a boat with a hot Australian guy my age, saw the infamous James Bond Island and Ice-Cream cave!!!!!
Okay, now those were the parts I REALLY liked! Actually, to think about it, the only hot guys I saw were foreigners; Spanish, Aussie, British, American, Brazilian.... ;) you name it honey - Thailand has it! And the shopping, needless to say - and I'll probably deny it if you ever ask me - was great! Thailand makes shopping fun. I can't believe I just said that. Anybody who knows me knows that I'd rather run around in the sprinklers, do crazy sports or play X-box than go shopping. Wowie...
On my last day, I told my dad that I didn't want to go swimming in the Phuket beach because we had to pack for the flight home. So, there I was, swimming in the beach. I was trying to swim away from these two really creepy foreign men who were coming closer and closer to me. I was like, "Yo! I saw the movie Taken and this creepy stuff right here ain't on with me dudes." And I was in the deep end. That was when I got stung by a jellyfish, and there's another long story there but this blog entry is long enough. If you know me, and want to know the story, just ask coz it's really funny and klutzy. What you should know is that the tentacles got wrapped around my left arm and also on my entire left leg and foot. Ow... it still hurts or itches when you touch it and that happened more than ten days ago...
There shall be more about the past two weeks coming soon...
Current Mood: Neutral? Kind of like Vaseline? LOL
Current Music: The unusual sighing of my CPU and Pixie Lott's cool song, "Jack". It's catchy.
Current Quote: "Ow, my fellyjish (jellyfish) bite is itching again... I hate this."
Also, "I shall call him (meaning the jellyfish) Squeeshy and he shall be mine! Muhahahahaha..."
TUNE IN BECAUSE: In the next episode of Freaking Happy, the Sarcastic Soul documents her and Lady Ayaka's 18th birthdays. The Witch Bitch gets older and the Sarcastic Soul learns that balloons and that guy Silver Eyes are strangely attracted to her hair. Based on true stories...
Bye for now
Yours truly
Oh, what the hay
I'm going, peace out mother-brothers ;P
Posted by Punk_Goddess at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Forever Young

Fortunately I - unlike Mahogany and Jason X and Wicked and all of my other friends in my previous school - am almost done with exams. Tomorrow is the dreaded chemistry and then Tuesday, I am finito! Weirdly enough, Jason X is also writing Chemistry tomorrow, so this is where the story starts:
Okay, people have been teasing me with some other guy in another school, and Jason X and Psycho Arrow the whole week, so I've had a denial-filled existence so far, you could say. And then on Friday after school, my Nee-Chan, Lady Ayaka left me alone with Psycho Arrow and yeah.... People would not leave us alone. Aaand my parents saw him hug me when I left school and they too went on about it the whole evening. On Friday as well, Wicked phoned and asked if he could study Chemistry with me even though I dislike studying with other people because I can't focus. And, truth be told, my school has not even done the same work yet, so ya. That was my excuse.
Then, on Saturday night, Psycho and I spoke until midnight, which was when I wished him HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY to him and his girlfriend. That same night, his "best friend" (let's call him Silver Eyes from now on) asked if he could study Chemistry with me today (Sunday). I don't know, that just crushed me. Like, I know I have brains, but sometimes I feel like that's all I'm good for. Like that's all people ever want from me. Use me just to help them pass life... But, of course, I said no because I was supposed to go out today anyway.
Then, just as I thought I was home free, I woke up this morning and had a lazy day. I had just washed my hair and finally got down to Physics, when Jason X phoned and asked my mother if he and his brother could study at my house because he had visitors at his house. So, my parents actually left me alone with Jason X for once. I kinda had fun time in a study-way. And they left this evening. Oh, and when he wasn't studying, we spoke alot and he too started teasing me with Psycho Arrow. And last night Jason X told me that he had a crush on one of his best friends, who also happens to be Charlie Chick's friend! And she likes him too!!! Haha, so now people can stop teasing me with him. So yeah, I too was teasing him the whole day with her.
Later on today, Charlie Chick dropped by to give me a money-envelope for our transport driver, and lipgloss-lips, ass-faced Robert Pattinson is on TV as Twilight is playing, so here I am. Now you're updated. And now Psycho Arrow thinks that I have a crush on some guy in another school that I used to speak to (because Ayaka told him that on Friday and he was asking me about it).

Current Music: "My Moves Are White, (White Hot That Is)" by Cobra Starship. It's a hot, funny song. =) You should check it out.
Current Mood: I'm freezing my ass off here in the study! So, hmmm.... Arctic?
Posted by Punk_Goddess at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Our Time Is Here

Posted by Punk_Goddess at 12:31 PM 3 comments