"Stand up, stand up. I’m trying hard to be myself again…" – Melee: An awesome turn-of-the-century soft rock band, implementing piano beats and electronic melodies.
A lot has happened, just basic small things that I didn’t think were worth mentioning in individual posts, but rather as a collection in one blog। The holidays began on the 23 September and I found out a renewed secret about one of my friends, whose name I shall not mention। Oh, and we’ve been fasting for almost two weeks, come tomorrow. My dad's cousin passed away on Saturday so that means that I’m gonna fast on meat for another 16 days, oh joy। One more month of no-meat Tuesdays, and I’m ready to convulse my insides. =) Care to watch? Just kidding, although that convulsing part does sound appealing now… Oh, and no to mention that my dad and I argue continuously over small things, mostly on the part of him, because everything is my fault. I’m not kidding, listen to this:
Exhibit A: My dad will walk down the stairs coming my granny’s house, then see me and tell me to go up and fetch her pressure machine. Or, we’ll be sitting in the television room and it’s raining heavily outside and it’s dark and late at night, and they tell me I must go outside and walk upstairs and lock up her house. Or they bring visitors home and they say, “She will make tea for you.” Then my mother will disappear into her bedroom, and my dad into his music lounge, and I’m left to explain to the visitors why there are no more biscuits for them, and I’m left to make eight cups of tea and three cups of coffee, and entertain adults four times my age.
Oh, oh, this is a good one, Exhibit B: When it’s light outside, which is sometimes five O’clock, I mustn’t switch on the lights, but when it’s five O’ five, and the lights aren’t switched on, then my TV privileges are taken away, and I’m becoming satanic। Satanic I tell you! LOL And if I don’t want to do Physics and Maths homework in the holidays, then I can’t watch TV। My dad wants me to do one module (That’s over 100 pages) of Physics daily। And I never hear the end of it। And I'm gonna say sorry to to my friends Jason X, Wicked, Charlie and everyone else, that if you call or visit me no one answers। We are probably home, my parents are either reading or watching TV and I’m in the bathroom trying to have a bath while they’re too lazy to answer the phone। I apologize for that... One more complaint and I promise I’ll be satisfied: There are papers all over the kitchen floor, the DVD’s that my parents watched are all over the house, the toys that my cousins played with are messed everywhere, my parents had a rough day at work, the phone is not working, my granny left the TV on the whole day, it’s raining, the dog ran out, the neighbours are making noise, the phone was not answered, the electricity bill is high and I wasn’t at home…। It’s my fault। He (my dad) wouldn’t even let me see my sister today, to help her move to her own apartment। Because my parents are using me to lure her back home, by rpeventing her from seeing me ever again. Wait, hold on, I have to go feed the dog before I get in trouble for leaving the windows to the outside open. Be right back……………………………….....................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Back, and avoiding that old grump. My mother’s not even at home, and she’s being nicer to me than he is, which is really saying something.
Right, oh and I forgot to mention that my cousin’s cousin who’s not related to me (Thank heavens!) has started stalking me again (since I was 14), but this time it’s getting really uncomfortable and weird. (I shall show you a message on Monday Charlie). And luckily I didn’t go for my dad’s cousin’s funeral on Sunday, because he (stalker dude) was there. Luckily he lives 656 kilometers away! Phew! The only thing keeping me from running away is my lovely bedroom, and from crying and bashing my head into a tombstone is the fact that it could have been so much worse, and even though I now live in utter fear from my parents at home, I am grateful that I at least have a home and wonderful friends who think I’m exaggerating about all this, but they’re still there at least. Because I could have been a hooker by day and a teenage cook for my family at night, living on the dog’s scraps. But I’m fortunately not, and I’d rather get swearing for every little thing I do and be put down emotionally by my family and called stupid in front of my friends by my dad than any other way, because even through all this, I still feel blessed. And what Charlie Chick told me, that whatever happens in the end I am going to be successful, and whatever they said wouldn’t matter anymore, no matter how much they try and tell me I can’t do it, when I’m eventually successful, all of that won’t matter. So take it from me, no matter how hard it gets, you do what you gotta do to keep on surviving. Because, just because they are your parents, it doesn’t mean whatever they’re doing is right. But if I have to live in a house of conflict just to get into a good university in two years, then that’s what I gotta do. Because success is measured by what you had to give up to obtain it, and I’m gonna give up twelve years of my life and happiness, so that in the end, I can become a doctor and move out of this god forbidden country.
A lot has happened, just basic small things that I didn’t think were worth mentioning in individual posts, but rather as a collection in one blog। The holidays began on the 23 September and I found out a renewed secret about one of my friends, whose name I shall not mention। Oh, and we’ve been fasting for almost two weeks, come tomorrow. My dad's cousin passed away on Saturday so that means that I’m gonna fast on meat for another 16 days, oh joy। One more month of no-meat Tuesdays, and I’m ready to convulse my insides. =) Care to watch? Just kidding, although that convulsing part does sound appealing now… Oh, and no to mention that my dad and I argue continuously over small things, mostly on the part of him, because everything is my fault. I’m not kidding, listen to this:
Exhibit A: My dad will walk down the stairs coming my granny’s house, then see me and tell me to go up and fetch her pressure machine. Or, we’ll be sitting in the television room and it’s raining heavily outside and it’s dark and late at night, and they tell me I must go outside and walk upstairs and lock up her house. Or they bring visitors home and they say, “She will make tea for you.” Then my mother will disappear into her bedroom, and my dad into his music lounge, and I’m left to explain to the visitors why there are no more biscuits for them, and I’m left to make eight cups of tea and three cups of coffee, and entertain adults four times my age.
Oh, oh, this is a good one, Exhibit B: When it’s light outside, which is sometimes five O’clock, I mustn’t switch on the lights, but when it’s five O’ five, and the lights aren’t switched on, then my TV privileges are taken away, and I’m becoming satanic। Satanic I tell you! LOL And if I don’t want to do Physics and Maths homework in the holidays, then I can’t watch TV। My dad wants me to do one module (That’s over 100 pages) of Physics daily। And I never hear the end of it। And I'm gonna say sorry to to my friends Jason X, Wicked, Charlie and everyone else, that if you call or visit me no one answers। We are probably home, my parents are either reading or watching TV and I’m in the bathroom trying to have a bath while they’re too lazy to answer the phone। I apologize for that... One more complaint and I promise I’ll be satisfied: There are papers all over the kitchen floor, the DVD’s that my parents watched are all over the house, the toys that my cousins played with are messed everywhere, my parents had a rough day at work, the phone is not working, my granny left the TV on the whole day, it’s raining, the dog ran out, the neighbours are making noise, the phone was not answered, the electricity bill is high and I wasn’t at home…। It’s my fault। He (my dad) wouldn’t even let me see my sister today, to help her move to her own apartment। Because my parents are using me to lure her back home, by rpeventing her from seeing me ever again. Wait, hold on, I have to go feed the dog before I get in trouble for leaving the windows to the outside open. Be right back……………………………….....................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Back, and avoiding that old grump. My mother’s not even at home, and she’s being nicer to me than he is, which is really saying something.
Right, oh and I forgot to mention that my cousin’s cousin who’s not related to me (Thank heavens!) has started stalking me again (since I was 14), but this time it’s getting really uncomfortable and weird. (I shall show you a message on Monday Charlie). And luckily I didn’t go for my dad’s cousin’s funeral on Sunday, because he (stalker dude) was there. Luckily he lives 656 kilometers away! Phew! The only thing keeping me from running away is my lovely bedroom, and from crying and bashing my head into a tombstone is the fact that it could have been so much worse, and even though I now live in utter fear from my parents at home, I am grateful that I at least have a home and wonderful friends who think I’m exaggerating about all this, but they’re still there at least. Because I could have been a hooker by day and a teenage cook for my family at night, living on the dog’s scraps. But I’m fortunately not, and I’d rather get swearing for every little thing I do and be put down emotionally by my family and called stupid in front of my friends by my dad than any other way, because even through all this, I still feel blessed. And what Charlie Chick told me, that whatever happens in the end I am going to be successful, and whatever they said wouldn’t matter anymore, no matter how much they try and tell me I can’t do it, when I’m eventually successful, all of that won’t matter. So take it from me, no matter how hard it gets, you do what you gotta do to keep on surviving. Because, just because they are your parents, it doesn’t mean whatever they’re doing is right. But if I have to live in a house of conflict just to get into a good university in two years, then that’s what I gotta do. Because success is measured by what you had to give up to obtain it, and I’m gonna give up twelve years of my life and happiness, so that in the end, I can become a doctor and move out of this god forbidden country.
And speaking of Charlie Chick, she went to a local pool resort this weekend that passed, and I can’t wait to hear all about it! I’m missing her so much. And yesterday my parents, granny and I went to a mall to watch Fame, but the tickets were sold out and the movie company forgot to release that information. But I saw lots of hot guys there – mostly Indian (Bonus!!!) and I must say, it wouldn’t have been the same without Charlie there. But at least I saw Wicked as well, and for a few minutes we spoke. I’m serious, this navy BMW pulled up in front of me, and I swear it was like a movie. This really hot guy stepped out with his sister (I hope she was just his sister, LOL) and I mean, that was just at the entrance to the mall! Charlie says she was there as well, but I didn’t see her. I didn’t even know when she was getting back from that resort, but she returned a long time ago. I’m such a crappy friend. Sorry Charlie!
And I didn’t even get to see my sister today, cos of my parents. Oh joy.
Current Mood: I have no clue; I think I’m strangely happy.
Current Music: Nothing, before that man of a father swears me. But I got Agness, “Release Me” in my head. Cool tune. I wonder why, sounds very familiar to now…. Oh and for some reason that song reminds me of the colour lilac or purple, I don't know why.
Current Quote: “It’s only human to want to kill a beautiful thing…”
Oh, and I’m thinking of the song I wrote like last year, which pops into my head when I feel like my life sucks. It’s about realising that you should just move on, because it could be worse, and that you should find someone whom you can talk to and not hide what’s bothering you. LOL like me; when I’m down, I post my feelings on this lame blog for the whole world to see. LOL just kidding.
I gots to go do something productive, like my dad wanted me to make fries for lunch today, and didn’t tell me, then I got in trouble because he whispered it to the gardener outside the gate in another country and I didn’t hear but was somehow supposed to. Sorry God, my bad…
Three things I’ve learned today:
1. Always assume that when the DVD’s are left out, I must put all of them away, and accept all swearing I receive either way, for either putting them away or not doing that when I was supposed to.
2. Close the curtains and switch on the house lights only when it’s almost dark outside, and feed the dog momentarily. Get up 8am before they awake and watch as much TV as possible, eat breakfast and go on Facebook.
3. Get up early on the weekend, clean up after parents, neaten the TV room, make bed, do not have breakfast, wash dishes, wipe dishes, pack away dishes, offer parents tea or coffee, clean their utensils, bath dog, do not go on computer, allow parents to watch TV, make lunch for family, do not have a bath, always answer phone, do not go to the toilet, become psychic and know when the doorbell is about to ring and answer it, entertain guests, brush hair and do not ask for help with regards Physics.
Oh, and very important for anyone who wants to trade their life with me for a day: Never, and I mean ever, ask my parents to play Scrabble or cards with you, because even though they complain to visitors that I’m always in my room, which is actually not true, they want to believe that I don’t like spending time with them. So, when you do ask them to play a board game with you, which I do daily, they will scream at you saying that they had a hard they at work or that they’re busy and I must go away.
LOL it actually makes me laugh at the irony of the situation. I spend my whole life hearing my parents tell me to find myself, but now they tell me to get lost. That stalker dude gives me more attention than them, so I think I’ll go now and make supper or else…
Night Lads and Lasssies. And please, I know tonight’s blog sounds pathetic and pitiful, but believe me, I’m still happy. Ask Charlie, I’m like the walking happy emoticon that poops butterflies. LOL night guys, enjoy what’s left of the holidays =)
P.S., Wicked, Jason X and all the other people, when are we meeting up? Let me or Charlie know when and where. Thanks, I love you guys and I’m missing you alot! =)
And I didn’t even get to see my sister today, cos of my parents. Oh joy.
Current Mood: I have no clue; I think I’m strangely happy.
Current Music: Nothing, before that man of a father swears me. But I got Agness, “Release Me” in my head. Cool tune. I wonder why, sounds very familiar to now…. Oh and for some reason that song reminds me of the colour lilac or purple, I don't know why.
Current Quote: “It’s only human to want to kill a beautiful thing…”
Oh, and I’m thinking of the song I wrote like last year, which pops into my head when I feel like my life sucks. It’s about realising that you should just move on, because it could be worse, and that you should find someone whom you can talk to and not hide what’s bothering you. LOL like me; when I’m down, I post my feelings on this lame blog for the whole world to see. LOL just kidding.
I gots to go do something productive, like my dad wanted me to make fries for lunch today, and didn’t tell me, then I got in trouble because he whispered it to the gardener outside the gate in another country and I didn’t hear but was somehow supposed to. Sorry God, my bad…
Three things I’ve learned today:
1. Always assume that when the DVD’s are left out, I must put all of them away, and accept all swearing I receive either way, for either putting them away or not doing that when I was supposed to.
2. Close the curtains and switch on the house lights only when it’s almost dark outside, and feed the dog momentarily. Get up 8am before they awake and watch as much TV as possible, eat breakfast and go on Facebook.
3. Get up early on the weekend, clean up after parents, neaten the TV room, make bed, do not have breakfast, wash dishes, wipe dishes, pack away dishes, offer parents tea or coffee, clean their utensils, bath dog, do not go on computer, allow parents to watch TV, make lunch for family, do not have a bath, always answer phone, do not go to the toilet, become psychic and know when the doorbell is about to ring and answer it, entertain guests, brush hair and do not ask for help with regards Physics.
Oh, and very important for anyone who wants to trade their life with me for a day: Never, and I mean ever, ask my parents to play Scrabble or cards with you, because even though they complain to visitors that I’m always in my room, which is actually not true, they want to believe that I don’t like spending time with them. So, when you do ask them to play a board game with you, which I do daily, they will scream at you saying that they had a hard they at work or that they’re busy and I must go away.
LOL it actually makes me laugh at the irony of the situation. I spend my whole life hearing my parents tell me to find myself, but now they tell me to get lost. That stalker dude gives me more attention than them, so I think I’ll go now and make supper or else…
Night Lads and Lasssies. And please, I know tonight’s blog sounds pathetic and pitiful, but believe me, I’m still happy. Ask Charlie, I’m like the walking happy emoticon that poops butterflies. LOL night guys, enjoy what’s left of the holidays =)
P.S., Wicked, Jason X and all the other people, when are we meeting up? Let me or Charlie know when and where. Thanks, I love you guys and I’m missing you alot! =)

Yours truly,
Punk_G0ddess in happiness. Oh, that rhymes! Yatsee! =) LOL Mwahza………