Right, I’m really getting worried here. I try, and I try but I can never seem to be happy every time it’s time to update the blog. And I swear, I wrote this said entry BEFORE I changed the URL to freakinghappy. Like AFI’s “Miss Murder” song, today every human being had better stay out of my way. I have never been so angry before.
Okay, I really wished it hadn’t had to come to this: To be honest, yesterday was a rather crappy birthday and if Charlie hadn’t appeared when she did, I would have probably been another “Goodbye” like Kristinia Debarge’s song. So like it was freaking cold the night before my birthday
so I didn’t sleep much, and then my parents come at like 8am to my room and tell me that they’re going to Durban cos my make-believe aunt that I’ve never heard of died on the previous day’s afternoon. And that they want me to go with them. So when I told them I didn’t want to, they got pretty pissed. Well, excuse me for not wanting to be in a car for +/- six hours with my mother’s racist mother whilst they went for a funeral and left me alone with some strange family – on my birthday. And my dad said that I said that I was happy five minutes ago to go to Durban with them, even though all I said was, “Are you joking?!” So they left and I was stuck at home with my grandparents and my grandfather kept lecturing me that I watch too much TV. It was a pretty boring day and my parents gave me a pink watch. Then Charlie Chick came over sometime before noon, and it was so awesome; she rang my door and when I saw her, she greeted me with a chocolate flake cupcake
Okay, I really wished it hadn’t had to come to this: To be honest, yesterday was a rather crappy birthday and if Charlie hadn’t appeared when she did, I would have probably been another “Goodbye” like Kristinia Debarge’s song. So like it was freaking cold the night before my birthday

And then, at about 6pm my sister came over for 25 minutes because her boyfriend (That jackass) was phoning her to leave quickly. So, even though she was there for 25 min, she ate and then was on the phone with him most of the time. And he was like saying stuff on the phone earlier when I phoned her and on the intercom when I answered as she arrived. And then she leaves and phones me later at night to tell me that I must stop saying stuff to her boyfriend, even though it’s perfectly okay for him for swear me in the background of my phone calls to her. And it’s actually funny, like seriously funny, because all I said over the phone in the background when he phoned her at my house was that he must shove it up his. That’s it. I didn’t even complete the sentence, yet I’M the one who should keep quiet when he sends me derogatory and uncouth mail. So, like I said, she phoned me later to shout me. And my gran asked me after I hung up the phone that night, after my sister shouted and lectured me already, “What did your sister say? Why did she phone you now after we just saw her?” and all I said was, “Nothing much granny. She just apologized to me for being on the phone with him the whole time when she was here.” And I smiled at her and walked away. And that, my fellow readers, is why blood is thicker than water.
And then my gran slept downstairs and I made her sleep in my bed instead of on the couch so I went to sleep in my parents’ kinda LOL scary room. And I put the alarm on the house on. Come 6am today the alarm goes off like freaking loud. It’s our domestic keeper working in the dining room, and all of a sudden it’s like this miracle where she forgets what the security code is. So, I didn’t sleep last night and then I get up 6am to go switch off the alarm because the people in my house forget the alarm code that we’ve been using for over four years now. And on top of it, she always uses the code herself. Don’t you just love life? And, since my granny was sleeping in my room, she asked me to put the alarm clock in my room on for her, set at 7am. And I show her how to switch it off and that she mustn’t forget about it. So, I struggle to get to sleep after punching the security code. I had just started drifting off to sleep when I hear the alarm clock in my room ringing really loudly throughout the house. Fifteen minutes later it’s still going on. So, I scram for my gran to switch it off. No reply. Aggravated, I get out of bed in the cold, walk to my room and switch off the alarm clock. My gran isn’t even in my room. She’s upstairs. =) how do you like that? And then she comes down while I’m having breakfast and asks me why I look so grumpy and I tell her about the alarm and she has this argument with me that I didn’t switch off the alarm for the house, but the DOMESTIC WORKR did. And then we carry on arguing where I tell her that I switched it off and it was early and that SHE left the alarm clock on and just walked away. But no apology. So, later I’m trying to do something on the computer and she’s screaming for me every five minutes to go upstairs and do this and do that. And then it’s almost lunchtime and I go to the kitchen and lo and behold. I’m searching everywhere but I can’t find the cupcake Charlie specially ordered for me yesterday. I ate like a few pieces of it, and suddenly it’s missing. So, I ask my gran if she saw my cupcake and she says she thinks the domestic worker ate it. I ask her and she just looks at me and blinks. So I tell her has she seen the cupcake that was in the oven and she points to her mouth. And says she ate it. Just like that. No apology. Like it’s perfectly okay for her to eat something that I was about to eat. First my mirror goes missing, then my scissors, then my compact, then my candles then my ornament, then my magnets, then my pajamas. Which is why I’m pretty pissed right now, because people in this house are getting on my nerves, and then my grand father lectures me today that TV makes a person dumb oh and like it’s completely alright for them to just take something that somebody got especially for me on my birthday. I hate this house. Oh, and joy oh joy, my parents are coming back tomorrow to join in the “We’re Ruining Everything” ceremony. =) I never knew I’d actually say this, but I really want to be at school right now, WRITING EXAMS, so that when I get home, I can study and then go back the next day and write an exam and then come home and study and then go back the next day…..
Current Mood: A strong desire to sue our domestic worker for the cupcake and the alarm and my granny for not understanding anything. =)
Current Music: Nothing, cos I’m really pissed and don’t wanna see the witch bitch tomorrow, and her birthday is exactly a week after mine, which is why I think she hates me. Cos she says her pregnancy with me was really difficult. And to give birth a week before your birthday is really tough. It’s not like I even asked her to get jiggy with my menopausal dad 17 years ago.
Current Quote: “People in this world are real dipshits. Nuff’ said.”
Bye, and don’t gimme crap after you read this. Only Charlie is allowed to, because she painted my nails. =) ♥♥♥